From the Prealps to the sea
A beautiful and sometimes harsh nature. We respect it and it repays us with the miracle of a vine that is born from stones and becomes wine.
Set among rivers Tagliamento, Meduna and Cellina our vineyards are located in the southern floodplain of Friuli and are surrounded by bare and gravel riverbeds that are yet very lively. In this area the Alps breeze blends with the mild sea currents. The abundant rain allows stones to give the soil the minerals that grapes hold and then release in the intense wine aromas.
The stones of Friuli
The “Clap”
Clap means stone in Friulano, the language spoken by locals. It is the symbol of our landscape, from riverbeds to house walls. In particular, it is the secret that makes this area ideal to grow vines. The soil is similar to the one in the Bordeaux Graves region and it is a combination of alluvial sediment, pebbles and stones allowing the perfect maturation of grapes and giving rich aromas to our wines.
Our vines
An endless palette
The vineyards of Cantina Rauscedo extend for over 1,900 hectares: an immense mosaic expanding from the Carnic Prealps almost to the Marano Lagoon, where river Tagliamento flows into the Adriatic Sea. A wide diversity of habitats meets the extraordinary number of grape variety expressions and provides our enologists with an inestimable fortune.