Antonio Zuliani reconfirmed at the helm of Cantina Rauscedo.

The shareholders' meeting of the historic Rauscedese wine cooperative met on December 16 to discuss, among other items on the agenda, the renewal of corporate offices and the election of the Board of Directors for the three-year period 2025-2027.

The meeting reconfirmed most of the outgoing directors, with the exception of the replacement of two new elected members: Marco D'Andrea and Ermes Fornasier, both from Rauscedo.

The first Board of Directors meeting took place in recent days, which once again gave Antonio Zuliani, accountant, the responsibility of leading the Board of Directors.

Great challenges await us in this three-year period, Zuliani declared. From artificial intelligence applied to the management of vineyards to the rationalization of resources for a careful organizational management between the two production sites of the Winery. We will continue the path towards environmental sustainability, also pursuing the objectives of the certification bodies that guarantee the high production standards with which we operate. Regarding the market, Zuliani underlined that the global challenges are many; we will strengthen the organization of sales on the national territory, which has been neglected for years. At this time we feel the need to affirm our brand also at a national level in favor of other markets.

With our 1,900 hectares of vineyards and 325 associated agricultural companies, we represent the beating heart of the regional wine sector and we take on the responsibility of investing resources to enhance the Friuli vineyard; with its 35 million euros in turnover, Cantina Rauscedo is a point of reference for the Pordenone area. Finally, Zuliani concluded, we will work in synergy with the other local cooperatives and, above all, in a climate of internal harmony within the Board of Directors. After the recent electoral moment, which saw the assignment of councilors based on territorial representation and the number of hectares of vineyards, we now need compactness and solidity to face the challenges that await us.


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